Sightline and International Game Technology have partnered to make the JoinGo mobile loyalty platform the default mobile app option for operators using the group’s casino management technology.
This current roll-out adds on the existing delivery of cashless gaming solutions throughout IGT’s array of products, including the IGT Advantage casino management system, Resort Wallet and IGTPay cashless solutions, and PlaySports platform, via Sightline’s digital commerce platform Play+.
JoinGo, which has been used by nearly 100 casinos in the United States, promises to help businesses establish their own custom mobile apps.
Through customized and interactive mobile campaigns, the solution’s cloud-based technology allows operators to send targeted messages, build geofences, and examine statistics in order to enhance reach, loyalty, and revenue.
“We’re always searching for new ways to improve the client experience at Sightline.” Sightline SVP of Mobile Kirk Olson commented, “Expanding our cooperation with IGT strengthens our capacity to disrupt the Betsoft casino gaming industry.”
“By combining IGT’s industry leadership with Sightline’s best-in-class technology, casinos across the country will be able to offer a unique, guest-friendly experience that will help to speed the adoption of cashless gaming.”
Play+ was announced as a funding option for IGT’s land-based cashless wagering systems, Resort Wallet and IGTPay, in October by IGT and Sightline.
Players can now utilize Play+ to finance their Resort Wallet accounts, which they can then use for gaming and entertainment at casino resorts.
“As the use of cashless solutions grows in our industry, issues about mobile app strategy are becoming increasingly common,” said Ryan Reddy, SVP of product marketing and payments at IGT.
“Working with Sightline to offer their industry-leading mobile loyalty platform helps us to answer those questions while allowing us to focus on what we do best: offering the best products to our partners so they can provide the best experience for their customers.”